With Senior Protection by Alarm Guard

General Warranty Information

The following Limited Warranty Information applies to products that are purchased directly from Senior Protection (via www.seniorprotection.ca or a direct employee of Senior Protection). Senior Protection products purchased via third-party websites or retailers are not covered by these terms.

Equipment Provided by Senior Protection

Equipment is provided by Senior Protection for service plans obtained directly from the company (via www.seniorprotection.ca or a direct employee of Senior Protection).

These units are owned by Senior Protection and are located at the Subscriber’s premises since there is no other way to monitor the system without the system and accessories. Senior Protection, at its discretion, will replace any system or accessories for issues related to defects in materials and workmanship so long as an active service plan is maintained.

Senior Protection does not cover against normal wear and tear, nor damages caused by accident or abuse. See Protection Plan Terms and Conditions immediately below for additional information about obtaining coverage for wear and tear, damages, and loss of equipment.

Protection Plan Terms and Conditions

Senior Protection offers an optional Protection Plan for our entire product line. The Protection Plan is available as a paid add-on with a recurring monthly charge which varies by product. This Protection Plan is not an Insurance Contract.

(“Senior Protection”) a division of Alarm Guard Security Inc. 153 Bridgeland Ave UNIT # 3, Toronto, ON M6A 2Y6 is the obligor, provider, and administrator of this Protection Plan.

1. Coverage. The Protection Plan covers all purchased or leased Senior Protection equipment, such as system consoles and transmitters (“Covered Product”).

2. Eligibility. The Protection Plan is available to all new and existing Senior Protection customers. You represent that the Covered Product is in proper operating condition at the start of the Protection Plan’s coverage and that your account with Senior Protection is current and in good standing.

3. Cost. The Cost for this Protection Plan will be charged to you consistent with the payment terms of your current Senior Protection Monitoring Agreement (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually).

4. What is Covered. This Protection Plan covers the replacement of your Covered Product for problems necessitated by functional part failures, loss, or theft. This Protection Plan specifically covers damage to the Covered Product due to defects, malfunction, accidental damage, or normal wear and tear. Senior Protection will replace your Covered Product with a new, used, or refurbished one of like kind and quality; like kind and quality are determined by Senior Protection.

5. Exclusions from Coverage. This Protection Plan does not cover:

  • Full cooperation with Senior Protection Client Services agents and authorized service providers during diagnosis and repair of the Covered Product;
  • That the Covered Product is not used for business or commercial purposes;
  • That you will keep your account with Senior Protection in good standing;
  • To not mislead, defraud, or make any misrepresentation to Senior Protection;
  • To not falsify any related documents or records;
  • To fully disclose all relevant information and fully cooperate with Senior Protection
    regarding repair or replacement of the Covered Product; and
  • Protect your Covered Product from any further damage and follow the instructions in the
    owner’s manual.

6. Customer’s Promises and Assurances. To keep this Protection Plan in effect, you promise and assure:

  • Full cooperation with Senior Protection Client Services agents and authorized service
    providers during diagnosis and repair of the Covered Product;
  • That the Covered Product is not used for business or commercial purposes;
  • That you will keep your account with Senior Protection in good standing;
  • To not mislead, defraud, or make any misrepresentation to Senior Protection;
  • To not falsify any related documents or records;
  • To fully disclose all relevant information and fully cooperate with Senior Protection
    regarding repair or replacement of the Covered Product; and
  • Protect your Covered Product from any further damage and follow the instructions in the
    owner’s manual.

7. Replacement.

  • Covered Product Replacement. To request the replacement of your Covered Product under this Protection Plan or to request assistance, contact Senior Protection Client Services by telephone at 1-866-416-0838 or by e-mail at admin@seniorprotection.ca.
    Senior Protection will send a replacement Covered Product within 3-5 business days.
    You will be required to return the defective Covered Product to the address provided to you by Senior Protection. Shipping will be provided by Senior Protection. You will not be charged a fee for your replacement Covered Product.

  • Troubleshooting. Before the replacement of a defective Covered Product, Senior Protection requires trouble-shooting with the Senior Protection Client Services Department to verify failure. If Senior Protection determines, in its sole discretion, that the problem is not covered under this Protection Plan, no replacement will be offered.

  • Limitation on Replacement. Under this Protection Plan, Senior Protection permits the replacement of one (1) system console and two (2) transmitters per year. Senior Protection reserves the right to terminate this Protection Plan if it determines in its sole discretion that you have engaged in abuse or other improper conduct.

8. Coverage Period. Your coverage begins when Senior Protection receives your first Protection Plan payment and will continue consistent with the payment terms of your current Senior Protection Monitoring Agreement payment cycle (monthly, quarterly, or annually) until canceled by you or terminated by Senior Protection. The protections provided under this Protection Plan supersede any existing warranty.

9. Cancellation. Upon enrollment in the Protection Plan, you have three (3) days to cancel without charge for the impending month. Senior Protection may cancel the Protection Plan at any time. Should Senior Protection cancel the Protection Plan, Senior Protection
will mail a written notice to you at your last known address at least fifteen (15) days before cancellation. To learn more about canceling your Protection Plan subscription, contact Senior Protection’s Client Services team by phone at 1-866-416-0838 or by e-mail at admin@seniorprotection.ca .

10. Renewal. Senior Protection will continue to bill you for the Protection Plan consistent with your payment cycle (monthly, quarterly, or annually) at the then-current price until you notify Senior Protection of your desire to cancel.

11. Modification. Terms of this Protection Plan may not be modified, except in writing by Senior Protection.

12. Protection Plan Limitations.

  • Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer and Remanufactured Parts. Replacement units with genuine factory parts will be used whenever possible; however, the use of non-original equipment manufacturers and remanufactured parts is allowed under this Protection Plan.

  • Limitation of Liability. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the liability of Senior Protection, if any, for any allegedly defective Covered Product or part shall be limited to the replacement of the Covered Product or part. THIS IS YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THE PROTECTION PLAN.

  • Damages. IN NO EVENT WILL Senior Protection BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RELATING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY TO THIS PROTECTION PLAN. Nor will Senior Protection be responsible for any damages caused by the failure of any Covered Product or other equipment or item.

  • Warranties. This Protection Plan is your sole express warranty concerning the Covered Product(s), including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which are hereby expressly excluded.

  • Non-Transferrable. This Protection Plan is non-transferable.


Thanks for the Interest in Buyers Guide

Dear Customer,

Thank you for visiting our Senior Protection website and requesting our “Buyers Guide” regarding medical alert services!

Please note: A member from our customer care team will be reaching out with your new buyers guide.


The Senior Protection Team
1 866 745 8632